
tea time, anytime!

Mini bags for the tea to take it with you!! 



bookmarks love

All you need to make these lovely bookmarks is felt. Then sketch a pattern of a heart and cut.. (2 hearts are needed for a bookmark), it can be made by two different colours of felt. Then sew the vertical sides and ready to read.)!!!


elastic velvet 2

A little time ago I made this dress and since I had the same fabric with another print I made it again but this time not for me I   hope someone likes it and feels pretty in it!!


our christmas tree!!

brown and green paper board...

When the place is not enough but you cannot consider christmas without  a tree, then you find the solution on pinterest! That's where I saw this idea and with some alterations this is our tree for this year! ENJOY HOLIDAYS WITH FAMILY, FRIENDS..(AND CATS.)
..and add anything you like-love!!!



                                The before and after pictures.)

                                         ..spaces can change!!